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Now Available – 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)

The latest edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) has been published and is now being shipped to emergency responders, hazmat carriers, and other commercial users. This version of the guide was jointly developed by the US Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Transport Canada (TC), and the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) of Mexico. It provides summary information on potential hazards and public safety and is used worldwide for responding to emergency releases of hazardous substances. It may also be referred to when providing emergency response information to transporters with shipments of hazardous materials.


2024 ERG Revisions

The updates to the ERG, which were finalized in April 2024, include several additions and modifications to each of the color-coded sections of the book, some of which may be found in the table below. PHMSA’s Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) webpage includes links to summaries of the major changes in several languages.



Out with the Old, In with the New

The ERG is commonly maintained with emergency information and response equipment, used by certain departments, or is located with other resources. Some locations where the ERG may need to be replaced include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Spill kits
  • Emergency response equipment storage areas
  • PPE storage areas
  • Emergency responder gear bags
  • Reference libraries
  • Shipping and receiving desks/areas
  • Environmental, health, and safety desks/areas
  • Hazmat shipping and emergency response vehicles


Review, Revise, Retrain

Companies often use the ERG as a reference when creating emergency response documentation. With a new version of the guide now available, plans and procedures may also need to be updated.  In addition, personnel with responsibilities related to them may also need to be retrained on any revisions and/or the new guidebook. Some examples of emergency response documents that may include information from, or refer to, the ERG are listed below.

  • Contingency Plan
  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Emergency Action Plan
  • Evacuation Plan
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan


Emergency Response Information on Hazmat Shipping Papers

As shown below, hazardous materials shipping papers (e.g., hazardous waste manifests, bills of lading) frequently refer to the ERG version and/or include the guide number to comply with the requirement to provide emergency response information to the carrier for shipments of certain hazardous materials. If the guidebook is used to complete these forms, ensure the ERG version and guide number being used are still accurate for the materials in the shipment. Confirming that the carrier has the current edition of the ERG in the vehicle prior to offering materials for transport is also recommended as a best management practice.



2024 ERG App and More Information

If you currently have the ERG App on your mobile device, it has already been updated with the 2024 revisions. To download the free app, visit your preferred content provider, or go to the ERG Mobile App site that includes links for both Android and iOS (Apple) operating systems.

The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) website also provides links to additional information including the PDF versions of the new guide in multiple languages, a commercial suppliers list, and a video on how to use the current guide.


This blog was written by Kim E. Folger, Safety Partners’ Training and Development Manager


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